Minggu, 11 Juli 2010


There are many choices in our life, especially in terms of obtaining employment. There are some who choose to run their own businesses, others worked at big companies after they feel strong enough to start their own business. And there are who devoted their entire productive working time to enterprises.

For job seekers who want to send job application to a large companies, there are some things to consider in order to compete with other job seekers. The first thing to note is the resume. Resume become the first thing that companies known about ourselves and it use to screen applicant, so to give a good first impression, resumes must be made perfectly. For new job seekers, maybe creating a resume is a big problem. These problems can be overcome by study from the resumes samples in accordance with the desired job, for example, learning from executive resume sample for who that wanted the executive job. After resume, it often followed by an interview, prepare your knowledge and especially mental prepared.

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